Saturday, August 23, 2008

Book Review! Rojo and Amarillo

These are two other awesome books I found at Philadelphia's Free Library this summer:

Amarillo and Rojo, published by Santillana (known for children's books in Spain--my husband even remembers several of his books from his youth!) and illustrated by Teresa Novoa.

These are both board books that tell a simple story with yellow and red objects.

Rojo is my favorite as it is such a vibrant color and speaks of fruits "la sandia, mmmmm! que fresquita" and kisses "los besos que nos damos"...

Amarillo tells the story of a little boy in the countryside whose hat flies away, befriends a baby chick that asks: "Pio! Pio! Puedo quedarme contigo?", and otherwise enjoys running around in the sunshine.

There is another book in the series: Azul. While blue is my favorite color, I found the book pretty lame (to the point where I didn't want to continue reading the huge 10 page story to my son!). I don't recommend it.

I found a number of books illustrated by Teresa Novoa and am including the link below:

Happy Reading!!

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